Saturday, March 12, 2011

What is a Genetic Counselor?

A genetic counselor is a health professional who is trained to help families understand genetic disorders and to provide information and support to them.  Sometimes they become patient advocates when they refer families to services that may be helpful.  Of course, educational qualifications are required to be a genetic counselor.  You must have a specific curriculum of education, which then leads to a course of certification; this will allow you to receive your degree of Certified Generic Counselors or CGSs.  It is necessary for the counselor to have good communication skills and a kind, soft personality.  When a counselor has a relationship with a patient, there are some things that always happen.  He/She will record the medical history of your family and be aware of certain illnesses that can take place because of the disorder.  They will also arrange test to be conducted on the patient and their family that show the exact physical conditions and other risks in the future.

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